The wish by nicholas sparks book review - ReadersHub

 The wish by nicholas Sparks 

The wish by nicholas Sparks book review 

Bespeak The Wish 
 Author Nicholas Sparks 
 Genre Contemporary Romance 
 Pages 400 
 Standing4.8/ 5 
 The Wish by Nicholas Sparks is contemporary love fabrication. The story revolves around the main promoter Maggie and it keeps moving back and forth in the timeline. 
Maggie was sixteen when she was pregnant. So she moved to a place far down from their house. And there she meets Bryce. The boy who tutored her about photography. Now after around further than two decades after that incident, she's reciting the complete story formerly again, to Mark! Why? To get to know further about it, read the book! 
 It was my first Nicholas Spark's read. I've had heard so much about him that indeed though it was my first book by him, I've had high prospects. And reading his most recent book was more instigative and it did not fail me. 
The jotting style of the author was estimable. It was so smooth, so fluent that it was a delight to me while reading. The transition between the timelines was so gentle and royal. 
 The thing that attracted me to the story was its characters erecting. The characters impacted me more intensively with each passing runner. The characters were so strong and well written that they will be with me ever. But one thing that I want to say is that my favorite character from the book was neither Maggie nor Bryce and not indeed Mark. I indeed loved all these three characters from the core of my heart but the character which impacted me deeply was Aunt Linda. She was calm, mature, and more importantly, knows how to bear as well as reply in certain situations where being calm and mature was extremely rigid and meticulous. 
The book wasn't a perfect five out of five for me because the story was predictable. But what worked for me was how the feelings were poured in the little rulings and little addresses between heavy situations. 
 I'll recommend this book to the bones
 who are looking for emotional contemporary love fabrication. Indeed if you're a freshman, you'll enjoy it because of the easy but effective language and the perfect layout of the feelings. 

The wish by Nicholas Sparks book quotes 

"When I thought back, it seemed like I’d spent all my time trying to get people to like me, as opposed to figuring out whether I liked them."

"I've always believed that art and faith have much in common. Both allow people to explore the subtleties of their own emotions and to find their own answers to what the art represents to them. Your work and Trinity's always make me -think-, and more importantly, they make me -feel- in ways that often lead to a sense of wonder. Just like faith."

"Not wanting to lose someone has its roots in fear."

"It's important to remember that none of us is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. All we can do is try to be the best version of ourselves as we move forward. In this case, if he asks, you can tell the truth, or you can lie. I suppose it comes down to the kind of person you want to see when you look in the mirror."

"Because we always bring ourselves with us wherever we go. It’s one of the universal truths of life."

"And in the end, isn’t that the most important thing in life? To be truly known and loved by someone you’ve chosen?"

"The silence depressed me. It wasn’t the silence of silence. It was my own silence."

"love was the most powerful emotion of all, because it made you vulnerable to the possibility of losing everything that really mattered."

"But never forget that love is always stronger than fear."

"But never forget that love is always stronger than fear. Love saved me, and I know it will save you, too."


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