One arranged murder book quotes l chetan bhagat

One arranged murder book quotes by chetan bhagat One arranged murder One arranged murder book review However, for one, I would say that the title 'One Arranged Murder' isn't too apt for the book. It kinda gives away certain aspects. The reader, ab initio, knows that the death is a murder, whereas the book takes too long to establish this fact. Secondly, Chetan seems to have written it keeping a Hindi Movie producer in mind who would buy the rights for a hefty sum. Thus, it looses it's ingenuity there. The book has all the typical Hindi Movie masala in abundance. Pre marital & Extramarital Sex, drugs, murder, incest, two wannabe detectives, dysfunctional family, children born out of wedlock, deceit and what have you. But my compliments for a very lucid writing. It's a good one time read. The twists, too, are well thought out. However, the end seems a trifle too contrived. One arranged murder book summary Saurabh and Prerna, purely foodies, over sized, but cute ...