Book Review : The fault in our stars by john green - ReadersHub

The fault in our stars book review The fault in our stars Cancer is similar a dreadful complaint, magpie in its choice of victim, choosing with aplomb anyhow of age, gender, or status. There are a myriad of stories behind the tragedy and numerous of them remain innumerous. In The Fault In Our Stars by John Green, he builds a story out of darkness and despair. He takes the tragedy of cancer and immerses us in the lives of characters that could veritably well be real. numerous know of the woe in dealing with those who fight the fight, and numerous of those scars last a continuance. He brings his story in the form of a teen girl, Hazel Lancaster. Stricken with cancer from a youthful age, she believes she has come to terms with what her life has come. also she meets a youthful man, Augustus Waters, a survivor of cancer. He's drawn to her in a way that's originally uncomfortable, and as she tries to push him down in her sardonic tone, he finds her to be ...