Top 20 Best Shakespeare quotes about love - Readershub

Shakespeare love quotes 

Shakespeare is very famous for his love quotes. He has also written a lot about love and property love him very much for his amazing writing. He has written many plays and dramas on love like romeo and Juliet. In this article I will be Sharing some best  Shakespeare quotes on love. 

Top 20 best Shakespeare love quotes 

"This bud of love by summer’s ripening breath, May prove a beauteous flower when next we meet."
Shakespeare quotes about love

"Alas, that love, so gentle in his view, Should be so tyrannous and rough in proof."

Shakespeare quotes about love

"For stony limits cannot hold love out, And what love can do that dares love attempt."

Shakespeare quotes about love

"Young men’s love then lies Not truly in their hearts but in their eyes."

Shakespeare quotes about love

“One fairer than my love? the all-seeing sun Ne’er saw her match since first the world begun.”

Shakespeare quotes about love

“See how she leans her cheek upon her hand, O that I were a glove upon that hand that I might touch that cheek!”

Shakespeare quotes about love

“Love is heavy and light, bright and dark, hot and cold, sick and healthy, asleep and awake- its everything except what it is!”

Shakespeare quotes about love

"I loved Ophelia: Forty thousand brothers Could not, with all their quantity of love, Make up my sum."

Shakespeare quotes about love

"Where love is great, the littlest doubts are fear; when little fears grow great, great love grows there."

Shakespeare quotes about love

"Love is begun by time, And time qualifies the spark and fire of it."

Shakespeare quotes about love

Most amazing Shakespeare love quotes 

“The course of true love never did run smooth.”

“Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.”

“I’ll follow thee and make a heaven of hell, To die upon the hand I love so well.”

“In my opinion, love and quiet simplicity if they speak less, they say more.”

“When you depart from me sorrow abides, and happiness takes his leave.” 

"She will die if you love her not, And she will die ere she might make her love known."

"Love goes by haps; Some Cupid kills with arrows, some with traps."

“I love you with so much of my heart that none is left to protest.”

“I’ll follow thee and make a heaven of hell, To die upon the hand I love so well.”

“I’ll follow thee and make a heaven of hell, To die upon the hand I love so well.”

Romantic Shakespeare quotes 

“But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the East, and Juliet is the sun.”

"Doubt thou the stars are fire, Doubt the sun doth move, Doubt truth to be a liar but never doubt thy love."

"To say the truth, reason and love keep little company together nowadays.

“Love can transpose to form and dignity.”

"She will die if you love her not, And she will die ere she might make her love known."

"Suffer love,--a good epithet! I do suffer love indeed, for I love thee against my will.”


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