Best Urdu novels - ReadersHub

Best urdu novels by urdu writers The beauty of your face by Sahar mustafa The beauty of your face by sahar mustafa This book is a debut novel of prize winning short story pen Sahar Mustafa. Intertwining once and present, this books looks into thr life of afaf, whose family has escaped from Palestine. The jotting is sublime for such a complex plot filled with varied feelings and timelines. At the onset, the books appear to be about hate crime as portrayed in a firing in all girls Muslim academy by a white American, but it's way further than that. It details the struggle of a culturally equivocal Palestinian woman, her religious growth in light of difficulties she faced in nonage and majority. Sahar has done brilliant job in drawing a line between terrorist and Muslims. She also has impeccably invested Arabic felicitations, expressions, name of certain dishes and effects, which added a flavour to the story line. The family tree by sairish hussain The family tree by sairish hussain...