Best books by Chetan Bhagat - ReadersHub

Best books by Chetan Bhagat Chetan bhagat Chetan Bhagat is one of the best selling author world wide. He is very famous for his unique style of writing and representation. He has written many books and all his book has made him a star writer as his fans likes bis books very much. His 5 books has already been made as a successful movies and other are also on the way. He has written many famous tittles as One arranged murder , the Indian girl, the girl in room 105, half girlfriend and many more. In this article I will speak about the best books by him which you should definitely read out. One Arranged murder One arranged murder The jotting style is simple, fluid, and easy for all types of compendiums to understand. Whether you're a seasoned anthology or a neophyte, his history will absorb you nevertheless. The plot is consummately counterplotted out and executed and I'm happy to say that I could n’t guess the killer’s identity until latterly in the story! ...