The introvert's way book review and quotes - Readershub

 The introvert's way by sophia dembling book review

This wise and pithy e book challenges introverts to take possession of their personalities…with quiet strength. Sophia Dembling asserts that the introvert’s way of life is now not “wrong” or lacking, as society or extroverts would have us believe. Through a mixture of private insights and psychology, The Introvert’s Way helps and encourages introverts to embody their nature, to admire qualities they may additionally have been ashamed of and reframe them as assets.

You’re now not shy; rather, you respect the joys of quiet. You’re now not antisocial; instead, you experience recharging via time alone. You’re now not unfriendly, however you do locate greater that means in one-on-one connections than giant gatherings.

By honoring what makes them unique, this astute and inspiring e book challenges introverts to “own” their introversion, igniting a quiet revolution that will exchange how they see themselves and how they interact with the world. 

The introvert's way book quotes 

"One of the risks of being quiet is that other people can fill your silence with their own interpretations: You’re bored. You’re depressed. You’re shy. You’re stuck-up. You’re judgmental. You have nothing to say."

"One reason listening can be exhausting for introverts is that we pay attention. We listen hard. Words enter our ears and then go straight to our busy, whirring brains to be processed, considered, and analyzed."

"We may have, she suggests, a thin boundary between our conscious and unconscious minds, living with one foot in the real world and one in the world inside our heads."

"Not only has volume been ratcheted up but expectations have, too. Quiet success--painting a picture, writing a poem, writing an algorithm--is all well and good, but if you haven't become famous doing it, then did it really matter?"

What is a friend? We probably all have our own definitions. For me, it's someone I don't feel alone with. Who doesn't bore me. Whose life I connect with and who takes reciprocal interest in my life. It's someone I feel comfortable turning to when I need to be talked off the ledge, and for whom I am glad to return the favor.
Just a few people in my life fit that bill.

"This wise and pithy e book challenges introverts to take possession of their personalities…with quiet strength. Sophia Dembling asserts that the introvert’s way of life is now not “wrong” or lacking, as society or extroverts would have us believe. Through a mixture of private insights and psychology, The Introvert’s Way helps and encourages introverts to embody their nature, to admire qualities they may additionally have been ashamed of and reframe them as assets.

You’re now not shy; rather, you respect the joys of quiet. You’re now not antisocial; instead, you experience recharging via time alone. You’re now not unfriendly, however you do locate greater that means in one-on-one connections than giant gatherings.

By honoring what makes them unique, this astute and inspiring e book challenges introverts to “own” their introversion, igniting a quiet revolution that will exchange how they see themselves and how they interact with the world. "


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