Quotes - Readershub


Quotes are really amazing. Quotes had the power to change your mood from sad to good Or low to normal. I Myself love reading quotes when I am not feeling good. The best thing about quotes is this that they are very short and gives a huge motivation and which is far better then just wasting time here and there. We never say that quotes can make you feel motivated every single time. But I will definitely say it will help you in lots of way and you will always feel happy reading quotes alone without any problem. In this article I am going to share all different types of quotes which you will definitely like. Some types of quotes are attitude quotes, Lovequotes, heart touching quotes, breakup quotes, sad quotes, inspirational quotes, and many more. 

Attitude quotes 

"Always stay true to yourself & never sacrifice who are you for anyone."

"Every problem comes with solution, but my GF don't have."

"There are three sides to an argument.. my side, your side and the right side." 

"Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character."

"Don't hate me, just get to know me first!"

"I am who i am today because of the choice i made yesterday."

"People are like 'MuSic' some say the 'TrUth' and rest, just noise."

"The real reason women live longer than men because they don't have to live with women."

"Your attitude can make all the difference in how your day will begin and end."

"Remember one thing, you might be a PLAYER. But i am the GAME.
I don't care what people think or say about me!"

"I'm that ugly I asked myself out and I said no."

"I was reminded that my blood type is Be Positive."

"I do not exist to impress the world. I exist to live my life in a way that will make me happy."

"If i liked your status on facebook that means you have entertained me."

"If i liked your status on facebook that means you have entertained me.
Sometimes people a high five on the face with a CHAIR. "

"Attitudes have the power to lift us up or tear us down."

"An ugly personality destroy a pretty face.  "

"I'm sorry my fault. I forgot you're an Idiot."

"My words are like a china phone. They have no guarantee!"

"Act like you are wearing invisible crown. That's 'Attitude'"

"Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one."

"The road to success is always under construction."

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt."

"People with status don't need status...
Our attitude towards others determines their attitude towards us."

"WIFE & INSULT Are Somewhat Similar, They Always Look Good, IF IT IS NOT YOURS!."

"The quickest way to double your money is to FOLD it in half and put it back in your pocket. "

"I am not Spiderman Nor Superman However i am superhero for my GF! 
Attitude is like underwear - don't show it just wore it."

"My _|_ salutes you."

"If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a closed room with a mosquito."

"If you can;t convince them, confuse them."

"Don't hate me, just get to know me first!"

"Don't hate me, just get to know me first!"

"I never dreamed about success. I worked for it."

"An ugly personality destroy a pretty face.  "

"If people have a problem with you, always remember, it is THEIR problem.
Someone asked me How is your life? I just smiled and replied, She is fine."

"I am not changed it's just I grew up and you should try too."

"Laugh at your problems, everybody else does."

"Sometimes people a high five on the face with a CHAIR. "

"Good thing is listening a new song is that it doesn't remind you of anyone."

Sad quotes

"If you leave without a reason dont come back with an excuse."

"Make the most beautiful Mistakes, mine is you."

"The Part Dat Hurts Me Da Most, Is Knowing Dat I Once Had U And Then Lost U. :-("

"Every time I start trusting someone, they show me why I shouldn't."

"The most painful goodbye's are those which were never said and never explained...."

"The sad part isn't that we never talk, it's that we used to talk every day."

"Silence is the most powerful SCREAM.
Silence is the most powerful SCREAM."

"One of the hardest things in life is watching the person you love, love someone else."

"It's never going to be the same again. And that's whats killing me."

"Everyone thinks that 'I m happy and fine' but look a lil closer, u will see tears in my eyes."

"Its better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what your not."

"The most painful memory.. when I walked away and you let me goI am not happy without you. :("

"It sucks to be alone, even when there are people all around you."

"My silence is just another word for pain."

"It's never the tear that measure the PAIN, sometimes it's the SMILE we fake."

"I don't care for people, who don't care for me."

"I know they say that first love is the sweetest, but that first cut is the deepest."

"People sometimes think that you do not love them but sometimes you have to say bye."

"Love is a medicine for any kind of wound, but there is no medicine for a wound given by love."

"Losing a part of yourself is much easier than losing the one you love."

"Sometimes i want to die for a day and just watch and see who really cares."

"Loves when you listen to a song and it relates 100% shure to how you feel"

"There's nothing more depressing than having it all and still feeling sad."

"I hate it when crying is the only way to feel better."

"You know what friendss ur polite nature to others always hurts you."

"People cry not because they are weak, It's because they've been strong for too long."

"You know what friendss ur polite nature to others always hurts you.
But the all didn't see the little bit of sadness in me. "

"I'm not afraid to fall in LOVE, I'm afraid to fall for a wrong person again. "

"Sometimes It's better to be alone...No one can hurt you."

"Can't deny that I want you."

"The only thing more shocking than the truth are the lies people tell to cover it up.."

"Everyone thinks that 'I m happy and fine' but look a lil closer, u will see tears in my eyes."

"Its better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what your not.
The most painful memory.. when I walked away and you let me goI am not happy without you. :("

"It sucks to be alone, even when there are people all around you."

Sad love quotes 

"The most painful memory.. when I walked away and you let me goI am not happy without you. :("

"Silence is the most powerful SCREAM."

"I feel so far away from the one I wish to hold in my arms."

"Out of all lies you have told.. Was my favorite."

"It's sad how people become what they had promised they never will."

"What's the point in all this screaming, no one's listening anyway."

"Everyone thinks that 'I m happy and fine' but look a lil closer, u will see tears in my eyes."

"I smile not for that I am happy, but sometimes I smile to hide sadness."

"Never put your happiness in someone else's hands. "

"Why does life keeps teaching me lessons that I've no desire to learn..... "

"Poor man walks miles to earn the food & rich man walks miles to digest the food."

"Its better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what your not."

"If you leave without a reason dont come back with an excuse."

"I feel crappy inside, like something just broke.."

"BEING IGNORED, worst feeling ever.
I always found the right one on wrong time."

"Sometimes all you ever want is someone to want and need you as much as you want and need them.."

"It's great when two strangers become friends but its sad when two friends become strangers."

"With each passing day, I'm finding out more and more who my real friends are."

"No one knows what it's like to be the bad man, to be the sad man, behind blue eyes."

"A beautiful girl with gorgeous EYES, a hidden world of HURT & LIES."

"The most painful memory.. when I walked away and you let me goI am not happy without you. :("

"Silence is the most powerful SCREAM."

"I feel so far away from the one I wish to hold in my arms."

Breakup quotes

"Is tired of trying, sick of crying, yea I'm smiling, but inside I'm dying...!!"

"I just hope that you miss me a little when I'm gone."

"I am crazy but original, You try to be me& you fail."

"Thank you; you made my mind up for me when you started to ignore me."

"Just give me time and I'll get over you.
You may be out of my life...but the memories we made remain in my heart forever You broke a promise and made me realize. It was all just a lie."

"Maybe, someday, i just might forgive you."

"Believe deep down your heart that you are destined to do great things."

"The moment you realize that no one is your enemy, except yourself."

"I don't want to be needed, I need to be wanted :("

"Pictures are worth a thousand words."

"Its hard to tell your mind to stop loving someone when your heart still does."

"I hope you're doing fine all alone."

"There comes a time when walking away is the best for everyone."

"Wonders if this will ever get easier...
A breakup is like a broken mirror, its better to give up then to hurt yourself trying to fix it."

"I hope we can still be friends~~ the worst break up line ever."

"Never put your happiness in someone else's hands. "

"The only way to fix this situation is to go back to when you asked me out...and say no."

"I loved you...but I guess that my love couldn't save this...nothing could."

"You'll get through this. And I know it's impossible to believe right now, but it gets better."

"What happens when it's time to let go of something you can't live without?"

"A broken promise is as good as a lie ."

"Life is full of struggles."

"Knowledge cannot replace friendship. I would rather be an idiot than loose you."

"Problem is that still i care."

"Never trust those people who don't understand your feelings."

"If you can't save relationship, At least save your pride."

"Just because i let you go, doesn't mean i wanted to."

"Love is beautiful mistake of my life."

"When we lose the right to be different, we lose the pre-village to be free."

"Love is like war easy to begin but hard to end."

"I flirt, but i am not a flirt."

"Not everyone is meant to be in a long term thing. Maybe I should just give up."

"I don't want to be needed, I need to be wanted :("

"Is tired of trying, sick of crying, yea I'm smiling, but inside I'm dying...!!"

Relationship quotes

"EVERY relationship is temporary u never know when u will die or some one leaves u without a reason"

"The difference between friendship and love is how much you can hurt each other."

"It's not telling you how I feel that scares me it's what you'll say back."

"I wonder if you think of me half as much as I think about you."

"The man of your dreams could be standing right in front of you."

"Once U Loose Someone,Its Never Exactly The Same Person Who Comes Back..."

"My gum lasts longer than new age Facebook relationships."

"That relation is the best one, in which Yesterday's fights do not stop Today's love."

"Never long for anyone from the past. There is a reason why they never made it to your future."

"It is tearing me up on the inside to have these feelings for you, but I can't get rid of them."

"People who respond to the emoticons are the ones who care for the relationship most."

"You can say I don't matter to you but I'm not the one calling every night, that's you."

"Sometimes people don't change, their priorities do and you just stop being as important."

"I want a cute, long relationship where everyone is like "damn, they're still together?"

"The hardest part is being around him knowing you can't have him and he'll never want you."

"The purpose of relationship is not to have someone who makes u complete...!"

" If you are in a relationship. Flirting is CHEATING.
If you are in a relationship. Flirting is CHEATING.
If you are in a relationship. Flirting is CHEATING."

"Learn to let go. If a relationship is over let it be over. No time outs and no second chances."

"I want a relationship where everyone is like: "Damn, they're still together?"

"I believe that you and me, we could be so happy and free in a world of misery."

"Communication is the lifeline of any relation. when you stop communicating"

"If you want a long term relationship. Follow the simple rule Never Lie...
I sit here and wonder if you'll ever understand just how much of me belongs to you."

"Sometimes the one love you can't get over is the one love you never really had."

"Sometimes we expect more from others because we would be willing to do that much for them."

"The difference between friendship and love is how much you can hurt each other."

"It's not telling you how I feel that scares me it's what you'll say back."

"I wonder if you think of me half as much as I think about you."


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