Top 15 quotes from The subtle art of not giving a f - ReadersHub

 Top 10 quotes from The subtle art of not giving a f*ck

The subtle art of not giving a f 

  • Who you are is defined by what you’re willing to struggle for.
The subtle art of not giving a f quotes

  • You and everyone you know are going to be dead soon. And in the short amount of time between here and there, you have a limited amount of fucks to give. Very few, in fact. And if you go around giving a fuck about everything and everyone without conscious thought or choice—well, then you’re going to get fucked.
The subtle art of not giving a f quotes

  • The desire for more positive experience is itself a negative experience. And, paradoxically, the acceptance of one’s negative experience is itself a positive experience.
The subtle art of not giving a f quotes

  • Unhealthy love is based on two people trying to escape their problems through their emotions for each other—in other words, they’re using each other as an escape. Healthy love is based on two people acknowledging and addressing their own problems with each other’s support.
The subtle art of not giving a f quotes

  • Life is essentially an endless series of problems. The solution to one problem is merely the creation of another.
The subtle art of not giving a f quotes

  • To be happy we need something to solve. Happiness is therefore a form of action;
The subtle art of not giving a f quotes

  • This is the most simple and basic component of life: our struggles determine our successes.
The subtle art of not giving a f quotes

  • Our crisis is no longer material; it’s existential, it’s spiritual. We have so much fucking stuff and so many opportunities that we don’t even know what to give a fuck about anymore.
The subtle art of not giving a f quotes

  • In my life, I have given a fuck about many people and many things. I have also not given a fuck about many people and many things. And like the road not taken, it was the fucks not given that made all the difference.
The subtle art of not giving a f quotes

  • The more something threatens your identity, the more you will avoid it.
The subtle art of not giving a f quotes

  • Travel is a fantastic self-development tool, because it extricates you from the values of your culture and shows you that another society can live with entirely different values and still function and not hate themselves. This exposure to different cultural values and metrics then forces you to reexamine what seems obvious in your own life and to consider that perhaps it’s not necessarily the best way to live.
The subtle art of not giving a f quotes

  • Being open with your insecurities paradoxically makes you more confident and charismatic around others. The pain of honest confrontation is what generates the greatest trust and respect in your relationships. Suffering through your fears and anxieties is what allows you to build courage and perseverance. 
The subtle art of not giving a f book quotes

  • If you want to change how you see your problems, you have to change what you value and/or how you measure failure/success.
The subtle art of not giving a f quotes

  • The desire for more positive experience is itself a negative experience. And, paradoxically, the acceptance of one’s negative experience is itself a positive experience.
The subtle art of not giving a f quotes

  • People get addicted to feeling offended all the time because it gives them a high; being self-righteous and morally superior feels good.
The subtle art of not giving a f quotes


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