Top 10 Best book by Indian Authors - ReadersHub

 Best books by Indian authors

Everyone is interested in different generes of books and love to read different types of books. In this article I will be suggesting you some best books by Indian authors. As Indian authors are already famous for their books you might know them. 

The Guide by r.k narayan 

The Guide is a 1958 novel written in English by the Indian authorR.K. Narayan. Like utmost of his workshop, the novel is grounded on Malgudi, the fictional city in South India. 
 The new describes the metamorphosis of the promoter, Raju, from a stint companion to a spiritual companion and also one of the topmost holy men of India. 
The new brought its author the 1960 Sahitya Akademi Award for English. 

Train to Pakistan by khushwant singh 

Train to Pakistan recounts the Partition of India in August 1947. 
 rather of depicting the Partition in terms of only the political events girding it, Singh digs into a deep original focus, furnishing a mortal dimension which brings to the event a sense of reality, horror, and believability. 

The room on the roof by Ruskin bond 

The Room on the Roof is the story of an orphaned Anglo- Indian boy, Rusty, living in a European colony in Dehradun with his guardianMr. Harrison, who wants him to stay down from Indians and prepare him as a pure Englishman. 

The God of small things by arundhati roy 

The God of Small effects by Arundhati Roy is a story about the nonage gests of brotherly halves Esthappen and Rahel, whose lives are destroyed by the “ Love Laws ” that are laid down by the society. 
 The book explores how the small effects affect people’s geste 
 and their lives. It won the Booker Prize in 1997. 

A suitable boy by vikram seth 

‘ Set inpost-independence India, the new follows for eighteen months or so four linked families in Calcutta, the fiefdom of Purva Pradesh and its capital Brahmpur, and the metropolises — Delhi, Kanpur, Lucknow — trawled by the heroine’s mama in her hunt for a “ suitable boy ” But the greatness of the novel, its untouchable probity, owes lower to probe than to imagination, an spontaneous knowledge of the mortal heart with all its kinds of kindness and atrocity, its capacity for hurt As with all the stylish books, one feels only dismay when the runners on the right of the book start lacing out. ’ — The Observer 

India's struggle for independence by Bipan chandra 

India's struggle for independence India ’s struggle for Independence by Bipin Chandra is your go to book for an in- depth and detailed overview on Indian independence movement. Indian freedom struggle is one of the most important corridor of its history. A lot has been written and said about it, but there still remains a gap. Infrequently do we get to hear accounts of the independence from the entire country and not just one region at one place. This book fits in impeccably in this gap and also provides a history on the impact this movement had on the people. Bipin Chandra ’s book is a well- proved history of India's freedom struggle against the British rule. It's one of the most accurate books which have been painstakingly written after thorough exploration grounded on legal and valid verbal and spoken sources. It maps the first war of independence that started with Mangal Pandey ’s insurgency and witnessed the gallant trouble of Sri Rani Laxmi Bai. numerous of the runners of this book are devoted to Mahatma Gandhi ’snon-cooperation and the civil defiance movements. It contains detailed description of Subash Chandra Bose ’s armament heavy tactics and his seductiveness. This book includes all the independence movements and fights, irrespective of their size and impact, covering India in its wholeness. Although these movements varied in means and ideas, but they participated a common thing of independence. This book contains oral and written narratives from different corridor of the country, making this book historically rich and different. The book captures the elaboration of Indian independence struggle in full detail and leaves no chapter of this story untouched. This book is a good read for the scholars of Indian ultramodern history and especially for scholars who are preparing for UPSC examination and have taken History as their subject. This book is fluently available online and you can buy it at A now About the author Bipin Chandra was one of the most reputed chroniclers of our times. Between 2004 and 2012, he was the president of National Book Trust. profitable and political history of India was his area of specialization. He was also one of the leading authorities on Mahatma Gandhi. The author also remained the General President of National History Congress 1985. He was a professor at JNU, New Delhi and also tutored at Hindu College. Some of his other workshop included The Rise and Growth of Economic Nationalism. 

The white tiger by Arvind adiga 

Winner of the Man Booker Prize 2008Meet Balram Halwai, the' white barracuda' menial, champion, entrepreneur, killer Born in a vill in the dark heart of India, the son of a gharry sculler, Balram is taken out of academy and put to work in a teashop. As he crushes coal and wipes tables, he nursers a dream of escape. His big chance comes when a rich landlord hires him as a motorist for his son, son- in- law, and their two Pomeranian tykes . From behind the bus of a Honda, Balram sees Delhi and begins to see how the Tiger might escape his pen. For surely any successful man must unmask a little blood on his way to thetop?The White Tiger is a tale of two Indias. Balram's trip from the darkness of vill life to the light of entrepreneurial success is hugely amoral, brilliantly impious, deeply endearing and altogether indelible. 

The complete works of swami vivekanand

The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda is an 8- volume set and contains all the books, lecture, conversations, prose, poetry, and letters written by Swami Vivekananda, a spiritual schoolteacher who introduced Hindu doctrines similar as Vedanta and Yoga to the Western world. 

My gita by Devdutta patnaik 

Wide fashionability of The Gita The Gita is one of the most extensively read books in India and the World. Hence, it comes as no surprise that there are multitudinous restatements and interpretation of the Gita available. numerous authors, academicians and scholars each over the world have tried to restate, interpret and publish the Gita in their own words. Devdutt Pattanaik’s book' My Gita ’ is also a part of that tradition. The Book The unique point about Pattanaik’s book is that it's written in such a way that it adheres to the background and surroundings of the ultramodern time. The compendiums of' My Gita ’ will be suitable to connect with the book moment because of the contemporary sense in which it has been written. The Gita firstly has thousands of verses and the anthology moment has no time for reading all of them, so Devdutt Pattanaik’s takes care of this issue by going through the colorful themes of the Gita in his book. Krishna and Arjuna’s dialogue may feel alien in moment’s world. But Pattanaik transverses that problem by connecting and conforming the training of Krishna to the present times. A world where the tone is gaining further and further significance, needs to look towards the world that we live in, needs to understand that we don't live in this world alone, that love and care and meaning are veritably important for life. Buy this study provoking book from A now About The Author Devdutt Pattanaik can be called an expert in folklore. He's a well published author of numerous books on Indian tradition which includes the popular books like Jaya, Sita, 7 secrets of Indian Goddesses, 7 secrets of Vishnu and numerous further. He's grounded in Mumbai and gives lectures on tradition as well. He has his own point where one can garner further information about his books and life. He's a sheltered Croaker who has penned further than 600 papers and 30 books. He was notorious for being the CBO that's Chief Belief Officer at Future Group while his column in MID DAY have increase his fashionability and addict following. In his present occupation, he serves Reliance diligence as a Culture Adviser 

Chanakya neeti 

Chanakya Neeti is a book grounded on Chanakya, an Indian philosopher, schoolteacher, champion, economist and a noble tutor to the Mauryan emperors between 350-275 BC. The book portrays about his testaments and ideas in different situations, which are material indeed to moment ’ s ’ times. People follow his ideas to escape from the web of several immoralities to lead a happy and peaceful life. Chanakya was also known as Kautilya or Vishnu Gupta. He was prominent speaker at the ancient Takshashila University. He was an expert of economics and political wisdom. Besides tutoring, he also advised the Mauryan lords, Chandragupta and his son Bindusara. Chanakya played a pivotal part in the establishment and expansion of the Mauryan Empire. In this book, the author tells about Arthashastra, the ancient thesis about Indian Polity. The book focuses on Chanakya’s detailed propositions. He wrote his discoveries as to the manner people used to live their lives in ancient India. The book explains the behaviours and patterns a person should follow with different people in life. This book was published in 2002 and is available in paperback form. It comprises of Neeti Sutras in Sanskrit, which are in terse form, but are veritably emotional. Their restatement is done in English and a bit is explained in amateurs’s terms too. It's available online on Amazon India. About the authorB.K. Chaturvedi is an Indian Civil menial. He's also former Cabinet Secretary, Government of India. He was awarded the Padma Bhushan for his involvement in the field of civil services, in 2010. He belongs to the 1966 IAS batch. 


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