Thirukkural - ReadersHub


Thirukkural as a book that deals with the art of living is gaining adding acceptance. It transcends public boundaries, literal, social limitations and language walls. It makes great sense and applicability indeed moment and for all times. Among the ethical workshop in Indian languages, Thirukkural daises supreme. 
 Thirukkural was written 2000 times agone
 . It was more truly presented in a language that was in vogue at that time. Thiruvalluvar, who brought out ‘ Thirukkural ’, the book for all periods, was an prestigious and exceptional scholar endowed with godly quality. 
He wasn't only a savant with a humane heart but also a psychologist with a deep sapience into the complications of mortal nature and a champion with an appetite to reform. As Subramania Bharati, the Indian public minstrel, has correctly observed, 
 lives & Autobiographies( Books), Reference( Books) 
 “ Tamil Nadu gave unto the world Valluvar and thereby won great celebrity. ” Shri Sane Guruji goes on to say, “ Great thinkers belong to the world. further truly, Thiruvalluvar belongs not only to Tamil Nadu but also to the whole world. ” Thiruvalluvar has been compared with Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Confucius, Rousseau and the suchlike. 

 Thiruvalluvar has not dwelt upon any abstract study or dogma. He's intensively conscious of the practical world. The noble as well as the ignoble, the plutocrats as well as the have- nots, the honest as well as the dishonest dwell side by side. He's solely concerned with the present world. To him, how one lives at present is a matter of supreme significance. He doesn't consider ascetic life better than family life. He gives the ploughmen the loftiest place in society because they give food for all. 
 Thirukkural is honored as a classic in the literature of the entire world and it's a part of world literature. 

 lives & Autobiographies( Books), Reference( Books) 
 It isn't only a work of great aesthetic value but also a companion to the art of living with nuggets of precious wisdom sprinkled far and wide. It consists of 133 chapters of 10 couples each, totalling in all 1330 couples. They've been totally arranged in three corridor – Virtue, Wealth and Love. All of them deal with colorful aspects of mortal conditioning like devotion to God, acetic life, family life, charity, king- boat, military spirit, fellowship, love, etc 
Thirukkural covers subjects like ethics, statecraft, citizenship, etc in myriad forms. The profound studies of the great saint- minstrel, Thiruvalluvar, are reprised in the shortest Tamil metre called ‘ Kural ’ which means anything short. Thiru means sacred, beautiful,etc. each brace conveys maximum sense in minimal words. It's appealing to the mind, sweet to the observance and succulent to the lingo. We can say, “ Age can not wither it nor custom-made banal its horizonless variety. ” 
 It isn't easy for all to comprehend the real meaning of Kural at the first reading itself.G.U. Pope, who restated this work into English metric verse a century agone
 , explains poetically the beauty of Thirukkural therefore Their construction resembles that of a design in a mosaic. The accoutrements fitted together are occasionally bare bits of coloured spectacles, but occasionally also veritably precious monuments and pure gold. 
Thirukkural was among the foremost of Tamil classics restated by the Christian missionaries.Rev.Fr.Beschi( 1700- 1742) restated it into Latin. There are also performances of Thirukkural in French by Monsieur Ariel and in German byDr. Graul. The great magnet of Thirukkural for the missionaries and others has been its ethical content. 
 The dynamics of Thirukkural has been plushly congratulated by colorful scholars.Dr. Albert Schweitzer says, “ There hardly exists in the literature of the world a collection of bywords in which we find so much of lofty wisdom. ” Mahatma Gandhi calls it ‘ a text of necessary authority on moral life ’ and goes on to say, “ The bywords of Valluvar have touched my soul. There's none who has given such a treasure of wisdom like him. ” He has also said that he came to know about Thirukkural from Leo Tolstoy, who had said that the conception ofnon-violence was taken by him from a German interpretation of the Kural. And so he expressed his desire to learn Tamil so as to study Thirukkural in original. As Sri Aurobindo countries, “ Thirukkural is gnomic poetry, the topmost in planned generality and force of prosecution ever written in this kind. ” Rajaji says, “ It's the philosophy of love and a law of soul-luminous life. The total of mortal aspiration is epitomized in this immortal book, a book for all periods. ” 
 According toK.M. Munshi, “ Thirukkural is a composition par excellence of the art of living. ” It cuts across gentries, creeds, contextures, periods, etc and has a newness which makes one feel as if it's meant for the present time.Dr. Zakir Hussain, late chairman of India, says, “ Thirukkural is a treasure house of worldly knowledge, ethical guidance and spiritual wisdom. ” Monsieur Ariel calls it a ‘ masterpiece of Tamil literature, one of the loftiest and purest expressions of mortal study. ’ 
 J Robinson finds that it contains all effects and there's nothing which it doesn't contain.Rev. EmmonsE. White opines, “ Thirukkural is a conflation of the stylish moral training of the world. ” AsRev.J. Lazarus declares, “ No Tamil work can ever approach the chastity of Kural. It's a standing character to ultramodern Tamil. ” 
There are several restatements formerly made available by prestigious scholars likeF.W. Ellis,Rev.G.U Pope,Rev.W.H.Drew,Dr. John Lazarus, Yogi Suddhananda, Bharati, Rajaji,K.M. Balasubramaniam,P.S. Sundaram,J. Narayanasamy and others. also, what's the need for one further English restatement of this Tamil classic? 
 Although there are multitudinous restatements of Thirukkural, the fact remains that no restatement could ever render full justice to the original. As the ancient Tamil minstrel, Avvaiyar, observes, “ Thiruvalluvar pierced an tom and fitted seven swell into it and compressed it into what we've moment as Kural. ”Dr. Graul correctly states that no restatement can completely convey the fascinating effect of Thirukkural. 
Because of its universality, social gospel andnon-denominational nature, it finds its echoes in the training of every religion. 
 The present restatement is an attempt to bring out the Tamil textbook of Thirukkural into English in a complete form. 


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