The alchemist summary - ReadersHub

The alchemist book summary 

The alchemist by paulo Coelho

Paulo colho 

Paulo Coelho is a Brazilian pen who specializes in spiritually- inspired novels. Coelho had a worried nonage. He mutinied against his unqualified parents ’ religion. latterly, they committed him to a psychiatric sanitarium on three occasions. Paulo used this difficulty and his spiritual awakening, while on his 500- afar trip on Santiago de Compostela, as alleviation for his books. Before getting a pen, Coelho engaged with multiple professions. For illustration, he has worked as a counsel, tunesmith, actor, intelligencer, and theatre director. The Alchemist was originally a slow dealer but has since come the most restated book by a living author. Coelho lets the world guide his jotting. His ritual is to begin writing a novel when he sees a white feather in January of an odd time. 

Chapter by Chapter Summary of The Alchemist: A Fable About Following Your Dream

The alchemist is very famous for its amazing story line and life lessons. The book is not too long to read but you can learn the main perspective of the book here in this simple short summary of the alchemist. 

Part One Section One – Dreaming is What Makes Life Interesting

The main character in The Alchemist is a cowgirl, Santiago. The story starts with Santiago pondering the nature of his work. Santiago is veritably close to his creatures. He calls each of them by name, his schedule revolves around them, and he has exchanges with them. lately, Santiago’s exchanges have been about a girl that he met a time ago at the city that's the coming destination on his trip. Santiago has n’t stopped allowing about this girl all time. She's a trafficker’s son he met while delivering hair to a shop she was browsing. This shop proprietor bought from Santiago and encouraged him to come back one time latterly. Hence, Santiago was on the way back to the city where he first met this girl. 
 Santiago sees his shepherding life as furnishing him with great freedom. He allows his lamb to lead the way, and ultimately, he finds a new path. still, Santiago realizes that this isn't true discovery. He'd formerly pictured of traveling the world. Santiago accepts that featuring about what you do n’t have is what makes life intriguing. This is why he has been featuring for the last time about seeing this girl again. 

Part One Section Two – Achieve Your Personal Legend

Once Santiago reaches Tarifa, his last stop before the megacity where his dream girl lives, he visits an old vagabond woman. This woman claims to be suitable to interpret dreams. Santiago has had a recreating dream where a child shows Santiago to the position of some treasure. still, Santiago wakes up just before he finds out exactly where it's located. The vagabond woman tells Santiago that this treasure is real. She explains to Santiago that dreams are a language used by the Soul of the World to communicate with people. The woman accepts her payment as being one- tenth of the treasure when Santiago finds it. 
 Upon leaving the vagabond woman’s house, Santiago sits in the galleria to read a book. An old man comes up to Santiago and tells him that he has read the same book ahead. The man reveals himself to be Melchizedek, who's the king of Salem. He bestows wisdom upon Paulo Coelho. This wisdom was that the world believes the taradiddle that fate is precluding people from achieving their particular Legend. particular Legends are dreams that individualities have wanted to achieve their entire life. Just as the vagabond woman said, Melchizedek explains that particular Legends come from the Soul of the World. still, fear and routine obscure our particular Legends. Melchizedek explains to Santiago that he only appears to people who are ready to achieve their dreams. Plus, that he can tell Santiago about the treasure in his dream if he gives him one- tenth of his lamb. 
After deliberation, Santiago decides that his lamb and the trafficker’s son were just way on the way to his particular Legend( the treasure). thus, he decides to vend his flock incontinently and gives Melchizedek six for free. Melchizedek tells Santiago always to follow the foreshadowings. Plus, he gives Santiago two monuments. One gravestone was black and called Urim( meaning ‘ yes ’), and the other gravestone was white and called Thummim( meaning ‘ no ’). These monuments are there in case Santiago is floundering to understand the foreshadowings. With the plutocrat from dealing his flock, Santiago buys a ticket from Tarifa to Africa and sets passage to find the treasure. 

Upon arriving in Tangiers, Santiago realizes that carrying his particular Legend will be more complicated than he first allowed
 . For starters, he doesn't speak Arabic. While sitting in a bar alone, Santiago is approached by a youthful man who, in Spanish, offers to help him to get to the Conglomerations where the treasure lays. still, when the youthful man offers to help Santiago buy a camel, he robs Santiago of all his plutocrat. Santiago weeps with despair. He'd nothing, but he asked the monuments if Melchizedek’s blessing was still with him. The answer was yes. So, Santiago continued on his trip toward carrying his dreams. 
 Wandering the thoroughfares in hunt of openings, Santiago came across a demitasse shop that was floundering financially. Santiago cleans the frontal window, and the proprietor latterly offers him a job. The proprietor is willing to pay Santiago enough to save up for a new flock of lamb and a passage back to his home. Santiago agrees and takes the job. 

Personal Legends Explained

Particular Legends are a common theme in The Alchemist. Throughout the book, Personal Legends serve as the only means by which an existent can live a satisfying life. Those who put off their particular Legends will suffer from remorse and will fail to witness the wealth associated with achieving them. also, following your particular Legends will allow the world to bestow favors upon you. In fact, the novel indeed explains that natural rudiments have to try and achieve their particular Legends. For illustration, witchcraft involves turning essence into its own particular Legend Gold. 

Part Two Section One – Everything Happens For a Reason

After carrying enough plutocrat to buy another flock and travel home, Santiago has a discussion with the demitasse shop proprietor. He asks for the proprietor’s blessing to go home. Although the proprietor gives his blessing, he also tells Santiago that he knows he'll not return to Spain. rather, he knew that Santiago would continue to pursue his particular Legend. Santiago accepted that he was far from home and far near to the conglomerations and the treasure. thus, he took a chance and started living in a caravan in a desert, so he could start searching for the treasure. 
 While living then, he meets an Englishman in hunt of his own particular Legend. Just like Santiago, this man had been given Urim and Thummim by Melchizedek. At this moment, Santiago realized that the series of events he'd endured had all guided him toward nearing his particular Legend. Indeed being burgled was part of his trip toward chancing the treasure. 
While traveling across the desert, the Englishman addresses to Santiago about the Soul of the World. He describes this as the principle that governs allthings.However, also we're immersed in the Soul of the World, If we've an suspicion or authentically want commodity. Santiago read some of the Englishman’s witchcraft books. He discovered that nearly all notorious alchemists devoted their lives to realizing their particular Legends. still, Santiago wants to read the world’s foreshadowings through everyday life rather than in old books. 

Part Two Section Two – Love Helps You Hear the Soul of the World

The caravan eventually reached the oasis where the alchemist was awaiting its appearance. This alchemist had known from reading the foreshadowings of the desert that someone in a caravan sought them out. At this time, a war is taking place between the lines of the desert. This war makes the desert too dangerous to pass. thus, the caravan must stay at the oasis indefinitely. During this time, Santiago meets a beautiful girl at a well. Santiago falls deeply in love with her and comes to learn that being in love helps you hear the language of the Soul of the World. Santiago starts meeting Fatima, the woman he has fallen in love with, every day at the well. He told her about his story and everything he'd learned during his trip. 
 Santiago is so in love with Fatima that he tells her he wants to marry her. In fact, he tells her he's indeed allowing about giving up on his hunt so he could be with her. Fatima tells Santiago that she understands that he needs to find the treasure to realize his life pretensions. While allowing about this alone on the oasis ’ outskirts, Santiago has a vision of an overrunning army. After consulting one of the caravan’s attendants, Santiago resolves to tell the oasis ’ chiefs what the desert’s foreshadowings have shown him. Santiago tells the chiefs and, after some deliberation, they decide to ready themselves for war – indeed though this is against the oasis tradition, which is generally considered neutral ground. The chiefs make a deal withSantiago.However, the chief will give Santiago a gold piece for every ten adversaries taken, If the adversary arrives. still, if Santiago’s vision is wrong, he'll be killed. Walking home from his meeting with the chiefs, Santiago is reflective but sure that he has made the right decision. 
 Suddenly, he's assailed by a man with a falcon on his shoulder, dressed each in black, riding a white steed. The man holds a brand to Santiago’s head and demands to know how he knew of the coming of the army. Santiago, frighted, explains to the man about the foreshadowings of the desert and his particular Legend. Santiago explains that he'd no choice. To Santiago’s surprise, the man understands fully. He takes his leave, telling Santiago to see him if he survives the coming days. As the horsewoman rides down, Santiago realizes that he has just met thealchemist.The coming day, the men of the oasis kill all of the interferers. latterly, the oasis’s chieftain awarded Santiago with 50 pieces of gold and asks him to come the oasis ’ counselor. rather, however, Santiago makes the delicate decision of leaving Fatima and the occasion of getting a counselor so he can pursue his particular Legend alongside the alchemist. 

Part Two Section Three

In the final part of the book, Santiago travels across the desert with the alchemist. Santiago grows restless, wanting to learn further of the alchemist’s secrets. still, the alchemist explains that although he has learned much, some effects can not be tutored. rather, Santiago must learn these effects himself. The alchemist also explains to Santiago that men complicate matters by seeking their particular Legends ’ treasures without living their particular Legends. Hence, Santiago is advised to hear to his heart. 
 When nearing the treasure, the two are traveling through dangerous lands. At this moment, Santiago’s heart is getting agitated. Santiago hears from the Soul of the World about others who have failed to find their fortune. latterly, Santiago is spooked and wants to return to Fatima. still, he learns to be at peace with these worries. War eventually catches up with the trippers
 . A warring lineage captures them and hang to kill them. To shortly save their lives, the alchemist gives the lineage all of Santiago’s plutocrat and tells them that Santiago is a important wizard who can turn himself into the wind and destroy them. The tribesmen don't believe them but give Santiago three days to prove his powers. 
Although the alchemist is innocent, Santiago begins to continually worry about proving his capacities. On the third day, he goes to the top of a precipice and tries to speak to the desert and explain that he needs to turn himself into the wind to return to his love, Fatima. still, the desert doesn't know how to do this. Santiago also asked the wind, but the wind was ignorant of what love was. Eventually, the sun suggests that Santiago asks the Hand That Wrote All. latterly, Santiago begins to supplicate. This prayer wasn't a request but an acknowledgment that his heart and the Soul of the World were the same. Upon this consummation, Santiago turned into the wind. The tribesmen arrived to see that Santiago had faded and also reappeared on the other side of the camp. So impressed, the ethnical chiefs let the two trippers
 go and gave them a companion to find their destination. 
 The coming day, the alchemist takes his leave at a Coptic friary. Santiago continues his peregrination and eventually reaches the conglomerations where the treasure is located. He realizes that the real treasure in life isn't the gold or jewels that will lie then but the wisdom he'd gained on his way to the conglomerations. Plus, the love for Fatima he has gained along the way. Santiago would have happily walked back home at this point. still, the alchemist told him to hear to his heart. His heart was telling him to start digging in the spot where there was a cabochon beetle. Upon digging, a group of men approach him and beat him savagely. They also take all of his plutocrat. Santiago tries to explain what he's doing and how he'd come to be then. still, the men tell him that he's a fool and that they had the same recreating dream. They had conceited
 of treasures in Spain. still, they explained that they weren't stupid enough to chase after this dream. Santiago had been beaten down; still, he was rapturous. He now knew where his treasure lies. 

Lessons to Learn From the Alchemist


Fear is the primary handicap that Santiago has to overcome on his trip. Throughout the book, Santiago is told by wise individualities that sweat becomes inapplicable if you faithfully pursue your dreams. This wisdom is supported by the times that Santiago truly pursued his dreams, similar as when turning himself into the wind. 


Although dreams are common throughout The Alchemist, the most important dream is Santiago’s Personal Legend. Personal Legends help enlighten the characters in this book and form communication with the Soul of the World. Similarly, you can use life goals to guide you through hardships. 


Throughout the book, numerous characters use the term ‘ Maktub ’. Maktub means ‘ it is written. ’ Santiago’s story shows that fate always cooperates with those in pursuit of their particular Legends. thus, you should remain focused on your pretensions and find comfort in the fact that your fortune is formerly written in the world’s history. 


Foreshadowings allow you to find your meaning in whatever terrain. This is because foreshadowings are part of the Universal Language of the World. We also need to try and find meaning in arbitrary events. Every event can be applied to our particular Legend and be considered another step toward achieving our pretensions. 

Don’t Be a Sheep

The lamb in The Alchemist are emblematic . Although Santiago cares for his lamb, he also understands that they warrant commodity that he has. He comes to understand that his lamb don't have the same capacity to have a particular Legend as he does. This is why they follow him wherever he goes. Before Santiago started chasing his dreams, he was like a lamb. He was following others like a lamb and was concentrated on material solicitations and social acceptance. relating your particular Legend is vital in precluding you from getting a lamb. 

Hardship Helps You Find Your True Personal Legend

Santiago’s trip to find his particular Legend wasn't easy. The Alchemist is filled with delicate times for Santiago. He was burgled, kidnapped and hovered with death, also beaten and burgled again. still, Santiago ends the book happier than he was before embarking on this trip. The most important takeaway communication from this book is that asking a thing in life is where we gain happiness. A life of challenges in pursuit of a particular Legend is a happier one than a safe and directionless life. 


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