Life lessons from the alchemist

 Biggest life lessons from the alchemist by paulo coelho 

The alchemist

The alchemist book review 

This book isn't for you if you're looking for a way to escape reality by immersing into a juicy plot during the week end. This book is about you, me and anyone and everyone. It's about our life, our troubles and agonies, our pretensions and the purpose of our actuality. To determine our thing( or particular Legend as Coelho terms) and to pursue and achieve it isn't delicate if we're focused because in the words of Coelho,". when you want commodity, all the macrocosm conspires in helping you to achieve it." 
 The story is that of a shepard boy named, Santiago, from Andulasia. The boy embarks upon a trip in hunt of a treasure that he'd conceited
 of. Each bone
 of us are, infact, Santiago, unfit to realise when and where we divulged' the ladle of oil painting'. As you go through the book you learn that all isn't lost and there's stopgap. 
 Recited in a simple lucid manner, the story is interspersed with conceits, fables and apologues. Compelling, intriguing and full of stopgap and positivity, The Alchemist is a bedrock of alleviation that instills a strong sense of faith in yourself. 
 similar is the power of this book that you'll want to read it again and again. Paulo Coelho has an uncanny knack to soothe your soul and boost your morale. This book, in my opinion, should be read by everyone, youthful and old, atleast formerly. 

Life lessons from the alchemist


Fear is the primary handicap that Santiago has to overcome on his trip. Throughout the book, Santiago is told by wise individualities that sweat becomes inapplicable if you faithfully pursue your dreams. This wisdom is supported by the times that Santiago truly pursued his dreams, similar as when turning himself into the wind. 


Although dreams are common throughout The Alchemist, the most important dream is Santiago’s Personal Legend. Personal Legends help enlighten the characters in this book and form communication with the Soul of the World. Similarly, you can use life goals to guide you through hardships. 


Throughout the book, numerous characters use the term ‘ Maktub ’. Maktub means ‘ it is written. ’ Santiago’s story shows that fate always cooperates with those in pursuit of their particular Legends. thus, you should remain focused on your pretensions and find comfort in the fact that your fortune is formerly written in the world’s history. 


Foreshadowings allow you to find your meaning in whatever terrain. This is because foreshadowings are part of the Universal Language of the World. We also need to try and find meaning in arbitrary events. Every event can be applied to our particular Legend and be considered another step toward achieving our pretensions. 

Don’t Be a Sheep

The lamb in The Alchemist are emblematic . Although Santiago cares for his lamb, he also understands that they warrant commodity that he has. He comes to understand that his lamb don't have the same capacity to have a particular Legend as he does. This is why they follow him wherever he goes. Before Santiago started chasing his dreams, he was like a lamb. He was following others like a lamb and was concentrated on material solicitations and social acceptance. relating your particular Legend is vital in precluding you from getting a lamb. 

Hardship Helps You Find Your True Personal Legend

Santiago’s trip to find his particular Legend wasn't easy. The Alchemist is filled with delicate times for Santiago. He was burgled, kidnapped and hovered with death, also beaten and burgled again. still, Santiago ends the book happier than he was before embarking on this trip. The most important takeaway communication from this book is that asking a thing in life is where we gain happiness. A life of challenges in pursuit of a particular Legend is a happier one than a safe and directionless life. 

Quotes from the alchemist

  • "Every man kills the thing he loves."

  • "Your eyes show the strength of your soul."

  • "Everyone and everything is alive and has a soul; the same soul. "

  • "There is a universal language; it can be understood by everybody."

  • "Everyone on Earth is capable of understanding the language of the heart."

  • "Immersion of the soul into the universal current of life, where everything is connected."

  • "Dreams make life interesting; when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."

  • "What you have always wanted to accomplish; life is generous to those who pursue it."

  • "Concentrate always on the present moment."

  •  “When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” – The Alchemist

  • “So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you.” – The Alchemist

  •  “Don’t give in to your fears. If you do, you won’t be able to talk to your heart.” – The Alchemist

  •  “Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself, and no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams.” – The Alchemist

  • “To realize one’s destiny is a person’s only obligation.” – The Alchemist

  • “There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” – The Alchemist

  • “When you possess great treasures within you, and you try to tell others of them, seldom are you believed.” – The Alchemist

  •  “When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.” – The Alchemist

  • “One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving.” – The Alchemist

  •  “It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.” – The Alchemist


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