Because life is a gift by disha Book Review - ReadersHub

Because life is a gift 

Because life is a gift 

Because life is a gift by disha book review 

Because life is a gift is written by Disha. Disha (author) has interviewed almost 15 disable people or we must call differently-abled people. Book include 15 different real stories and many would be out there in street too. I'm fond of non fiction motivational book. But this one left me with no words.
Firstly I thought it would be something spiritual as the tittle suggest. But its more then that, while reading each story like of hearty a cute ten year differently-abled boy. He has 3 patents, while I read that I was like no is it for real and I checked it online, and find out it real.
My mind was upside down for a while wondering what just happened. Different stories taught me different things. Imagine just by reading 15 stories you can motivate yourself so strongly that would want to be like them.

Atleast I want to try like hearty has done. And not only hearty there are other people who are extremely optimistic about themselves and others and they believe in themselves.

Our problem is we don't trust us only and think others can do it. Like Vinod with prosthetic leg could bike ride till Ladakh.
I was flabbergasted while reading each story, why aren't we trying to push ourselves. But one thing we should keep in mind that we should not try to bring anyone down.

This all 15 stories taught me in believing in myself and Others. No matter what our family is with us then we can conquer all our fears.

I would highly recommend to read this book and give to your friends or family members who are depressed and enlighten them with these 15 heroes and rebellious mind.

Life is a gift book 


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