Man's search for meaning book review - ReadersHub

Men's search for meaning by vickor E. frankl Man's search for meaning by victor E. Frankl Man's search for meaning book review The book is principally divided into three corridor, the first one describes the way the Jews captures were treated in the Nazi Concentration Camps and how their life was. In the alternate part, the author described the basics of Logotherapy, a way of treatment of the Psychotherapeutic Cases. And eventually, in the third part, he described what he actually meant by Man’s Hunt for meaning. Being a Jew, the author was transferred to the Auschwitz, Dachau and other attention camps during the Nazi occupation in Austria. Then, in the first part of the book, the author described his days in those attention camps, where is were no chance of seeing the morning sun in the coming day. And this happed every day. He described the way the SS guards used to treat the captures, the corruption prevailed in the camps, the malnutrition, the life of ...